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how to travel with a smile

the [perfectly calm] adventures of david-andrew

welcome to the new 20s

Uncle$am is my best adventure friend. Although we happen to be blood related, we have a historic bond that goes beyond the inadequate title of “brother.” We have jumped out of planes, been tattooed (permanent ink), and run from madmen armed with poles. The last one landed Uncle$am in the hospital with a broken arm (You thought that was a joke?).
Needless to say, a tea party for Uncle $am’s 30th birthday would fall short of epic aims. So when his wifey, PeaceLovingYippie, told me she wanted to surprise him with a “Zip Line & Dine” event at the US National Whitewater Center in Charlotte, I knew we must. I heard people say that 30s are now the new 20s and I wanted to welcome him to another year with a fun adventure.

The time between reserving and going was difficult. PeaceLovingYippie and I both almost spilled the beans. We managed to keep it a surprise until the day ThePilot and I arrived in Charlotte. That afternoon I answered PeaceLovingYippie’s phone when Uncle$am called her. He was very confused, but figured out that we were there in his house.

The Whitewater Center was a ton of fun! We met the group and started putting on harness gear and helmets. Then we headed into the woods. We climbed steps to the platform we would soon jump off. It’s a little unnerving when you are standing on the platform waiting for your turn because the trees bend and shake every time someone jumps. We eventually got the hang of it and were soon zipping along. The zip lines get progressively higher and longer as you go. On some, the landing platform can’t be seen from the starting platform. That is especially exciting.

After the treetop tour, there was a camp fire dinner. That’s why this event is “& Dine.” We got to chat with some other couples from the Charlotte area and hear stories from the zip line guides.

During my three-day stay in Charlotte, I became adept at dodging food. I got a free humus mask treatment on my calf by the youngest of my two nieces. It was luckily pre-shower and not on my clothes. I looked down to see the most amazing smile beaming up at me. It’s not possible to resist that shot of pure, happy love. I beamed back.

I heard a lot about the Epicentre from the guys at the Whitewater Center and wanted to see it. So we headed Uptown to check it out. They were actually setting up for the Democratic National Convention news coverage while we were there. Charlotte has changed so much since my family moved to North Carolina. I mean, they have a theater in Uptown now (!).
On the way we stopped for lunch. I have no idea how parents with small children stay clean. Keeping the nieces in their seats and the food going in their mouths is a constant test of will. It’s probably just routine for their parents by now, but it was entertainment for me.

I’m always sad to leave my best friend and his beautiful family in Charlotte. I always try to talk them into going with me. As PeaceLovingYippie was driving me to the airport with the girls in the back, I felt a little melancholy and promised we’d be back soon. At the last second before stepping out of the car, thinking I was in the clear, three drops of applesauce hit my jeans. I got to take a little of them with me after all.

Next Trip: ThePilot and I take a drive down to Tucson, AZ.

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Posted in travel by lucysbeau on September 12th, 2012 at 7:33 PM.


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2 Replies

  1. santiago Nov 7th 2012

    I love hearing the joy in your voice while reading your stories…

  2. Heather Nov 10th 2012

    Love it!!! You guys are our fave visitors. Thanks so much for making $am’s day rad!